Toward the end of your pregnancy or after giving birth, some women notice either an indentation or a bulge in the middle of their belly. This is likely a common condition known as diastasis recti.

Fortunately, this abdominal gap usually closes on its own, though there are a few strategies that can help it heal.

What is diastasis recti?

Diastasis recti, also called abdominal separation, is a thinning and widening of your abdominal muscles that may develop as your stomach expands. It occurs when the right and left sides of the rectus abdominis muscle (i.e., the "six pack" one that covers the front of your tummy, also known as "abs") separate.

Diastasis recti is relatively common: Up to an estimated 1 in 2 women experience diastasis recti after giving birth.

diastasis recti

What are the risk factors for diastasis recti?

Women who are expecting multiples are at greater risk, since their belly has to stretch farther to accommodate multiple babies.

Ab separation is also more common in women who are obese or who have been pregnant more than once, because their muscles have been stretched multiple times. And there's a potential genetic factor at play, too — so if your mom had diastasis recti, you're at slightly greater risk of it as well.

What are the symptoms of diastasis recti?

Diastasis recti often isn't detectable early in pregnancy. Later on, the uterus may bulge through the abdominal muscles — though you most likely won't notice anything is off until after you give birth. At most, your abdominal wall might feel loose.

How to test for diastasis recti

Once you've given birth, some experts suggest waiting until a couple of weeks postpartum to check for diastasis recti, since so many hormonal and physical changes are happening — and the gap may close in the meantime on its own.

But when you are ready (and it's a good idea to double-check with your doctor on the timing) try this quick self-test for diastasis recti:

  1. Lie on your back, knees bent, soles flat on the floor.
  2. Support your head and shoulders with pillows and rest your arms flat at your sides.
  3. Raise your head slightly.
  4. Feel for a soft lump, where your fingers can compress down into the vertical line above and below your navel; it may indicate a separation. You can tell how big the space is by counting the finger widths between the muscles: One to two finger-widths is normal; three or more could be a sign of diastasis recti.

How to Test for Diastasis Recti

If you think you might have diastasis recti, remember: It's not dangerous and is common, especially within the first few weeks after delivery. If you're concerned, talk to your practitioner or check in with a physical therapist.

Can you prevent diastasis recti?

Unfortunately, the biggest factors affecting diastasis recti are out of your control. That said, stronger abs are more likely to resist separation.

  • If you're trying to get pregnant, include exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles in your regular exercise routine.
  • If you are already expecting and don't have diastasis recti, try pregnancy-safe ab exercises (as long as you have your practitioner's okay). Opt for exercises such as pelvic tilts that engage the deeper transversus abdominis muscles, the set under your rectus abdominis that run perpendicularly and crosswise from hip to hip.In the third trimester, if your baby bump is particularly big and your abs feel loose or strained, you may want to consider wearing a belly band for a bit of extra support.

Whether or not you're pregnant, keep your abs in mind, too, in your daily life: Try to use your deep stomach muscles to support you when picking up your baby to avoid putting extra strain on your back and rectus abdominis muscles.

How can you treat diastasis recti?

If you have diastasis recti, the gap will probably close all on its own, usually within a month or two post-delivery. In the meantime, take it easy. You'll have to wait until it does heal before starting crunches and sit-ups, or you'll risk an injury (like a hernia) that could require medical intervention.

You may be able to help correct a separation in your abs more quickly by working to strengthen those deep transverse abdominal muscles. As long as you had a vaginal delivery, the following exercises should be safe to start as soon after delivery as you'd like. If you've had a C-section, definitely check with your doctor first. They may want you to wait a little bit longer before starting to allow the incision to heal.

Deep ab activation

This basic exercise helps you engage your transverse abdominals.

  • Lie on the ground with your knees bent and your feet planted flat on the floor.
  • As you exhale, draw the sides of your abdominal muscles together with your fingers. At the same time, pull your belly button down toward your spine.

Pelvic tilts

This exercise engages your transverse abdominals as well as works your pelvic floor — making it an especially effective exercise for postpartum recovery.

  • Lie on the ground with your knees bent and your feet planted flat on the floor.
  • Press your lower back into the ground, pulling your belly button down toward your spine.
  • Keeping your lower back pressed into the ground, gently lift your pelvis up an inch and then release back down, engaging your pelvic floor. You may even want double-duty by adding a Kegel as you tilt your pelvis.

Postpartum exercises to avoid if you have diastasis recti

Once you confirm that you have diastasis recti after giving birth, you'll want to avoid the following these types of moves, which cause your abs to bulge out and put extra strain on your rectus abdominis:

  • Crunches
  • Sit-ups
  • Stretching exercises in yoga like upward-facing dog or full wheel, where your back is arched and your abdominals are splayed, since that puts extra tension on your muscles