Aphantasia a Look Inside Mymind Funny

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What it's like to have aphantasia: My mind is blind and I had no idea that other people can literally picture things

I thought 'mind's eye' was just a metaphor. When my eyes are open, I see only what's around me. When I close them I see nothing. Ever

I recently learned that I live among superhumans — beings who can conjure up people and places and things in a world that no one else can see. These remarkable individuals can even travel through time to revisit their favourite memories.

But these superhumans are not rare — they're the majority. You are probably one of them.

I, on the other hand, have aphantasia, which basically means my mind is blind. Only an estimated two per cent of the population — about the same number of redheads on Earth — experience the world as I do.

When my eyes are open, I see only whatever is around me. When I close my eyes I see nothing. Ever. There is only the dark void, which I'm assured all of you experience when you close your eyes, if only for a moment before your mind conjures something up.

While I'm still struggling to come to terms with this new reality, technically, it's not new at all. I've always been this way, at least for as long as I can remember. And, until recently, I thought that was normal. I thought that aside from people with a Sherlock Holmes-style photographic memory and mind palace, or people suffering from hallucinations, everyone's mind was dark like mine. But it turns out a lot of people with aphantasia don't realize they have it until, like me, they stumble across an article on the internet.

Now I can finally make sense of the words and phrases that I always assumed were just metaphors for an indescribable inner experience, including mind's eye, picture this, daydream, visualize and "counting sheep."

When my eyes are open, I see only whatever is around me. When I close my eyes I see nothing. Ever. There is only the dark void, which I'm assured all of you experience when you close your eyes, if only for a moment before your mind conjures something up.
When my eyes are open, I see only whatever is around me. When I close my eyes I see nothing. Ever. There is only the dark void, which I'm assured all of you experience when you close your eyes, if only for a moment before your mind conjures something up. Photo by National Post Photo Illustration

* * *

I don't recall precisely the first time I was told to close my eyes and imagine something — that I was in a room, or on a beach, or doing some peaceful thing. It was usually in a gymnasium or a religion class. I always found those exercises boring and pointless.

Ask me to picture myself on a beach with crystal clear water and my inner voice will say: "I'm on a beach with crystal clear water. I guess there must be sand, too."

What do I see? Just the void.

I also can't picture anything while I'm reading — though I can still form a strong opinion about what the characters look like.

Yet, somehow, I always thought I was a visual thinker. For example, I can still tell you in great detail where everything is located in my bedroom and the colour of the walls, as well as where each of my coworkers sit in the office — all without seeing what I'm talking about. Instead, I sort of feel myself blindly moving through space, without actually moving at all. After studying, I can also instinctually remember where on a page my notes appeared. I get a gut feeling. And I'm quite good at remembering faces.

One of the most shocking realizations to come out of all this is that people can actually picture an audience in their underwear. I always thought that advice meant something along the lines of: try to fathom the essential vulnerability of all human beings, internalize that realization and use it to relax and deliver a confident speech — you got this!

Even my dreams don't contain images — nor any sort of narration. I just sort of become aware of odd situations and feel like they have taken place. Mostly I remember feelings and sensations from dreams — like weightlessness in a dream about flight, or fear from a nightmare.

* * *

I may never have realized I see the world differently had I not happened upon a Psychology Today blog post about different forms of inner experience. In it, University of Nevada psychology professor Russell T. Hurlburt explained that not everyone conducts inner speech. He also mentioned that people can see things in their minds.

After reading this, I was still convinced the author was using a metaphor. Until I started talking to people.

I set about quizzing family, friends and coworkers and was shocked to learn that most people have a vivid visible world inside their heads. Each time I talked to someone about my blank mind, we would stare incredulously at each other, each struggling to believe the other exists as a functioning human being. People would insist that I just had a weak imagination, but, no, I really can't picture anything.

When I spoke to my family about aphantasia, my mother and older sister learned that they, too, have a blind mind. That's an incredible 40 per cent of my immediate family (my parents have five children) and far above the two per cent average in the general population.

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Like me, they felt relieved that some unexplained part of human experience suddenly made sense, and a little melancholic at the thought that they were missing out on said human experience.

My older sister always excelled at art — drawing especially — but she wondered why she struggled to draw anything without looking at it, while others did this with ease. However, aphantasia doesn't need to hold people back from a creative career. For example, Ed Catmull, the former president of Pixar and Walt Disney animation studios told the BBC that he, and some of the world's best animators, can't picture anything.

Others have reported a perceived benefit from a lack of visual images. Back in 2010, J. Craig Venter, the scientific pioneer who helped sequence the human genome, told 60 minutes that his greatest talent was his inability to visualize anything.

"I have an unusual type of thinking," he said. "I have no visual memory whatsoever. Everything is conceptual to me. So I think that's part of it. I see things differently."

* * *

Aphantasia is wildly under-studied, despite being described as early as 1880 by Francis Galton, a British statistician and psychologist who pioneered the study of visual imagery. (The cousin of Charles Darwin was also, unfortunately, a pioneer in eugenics.) Galton surveyed 100 men about what was going on inside their heads and found a wide range of experiences, including people who had never experienced any visual imagery at all.

"It is only by a figure of speech that I can describe my recollection of a scene as a 'mental image' which I can 'see' with my 'mind's eye,'" one respondent said. "I do not see it … any more than a man sees the thousand lines of Sophocles which under due pressure he is ready to repeat. The memory possesses it."

Despite this revelation during the Victorian era, the phenomenon went largely unstudied. The scientific term for a blind mind was coined just a few years ago, in research published in 2015 by Adam Zeman, a professor of Cognitive and Behavioural Neurology at the University of Exeter Medical School in England. Zeman became fascinated with the condition after a 65-year-old patient came to him in 2003 to complain that he had lost his ability to visualize. The man had likely suffered a minor stroke during an operation on his heart. After Zeman published a case study on the patient in 2010, others came forward to say they had lacked a mind's eye their whole lives.

He called their condition "aphantasia" — combining the Greek words "a," meaning "without," and "phantasia," meaning imagination, or the capacity to form mental images. Zeman also came up with the term hyperphantasia for people who can create particularly realistic mental imagery.

So far scientists have confirmed the existence of aphantasia, but have not been able to pin down exactly what causes it. However, fMRI studies have revealed that a vast network of brain areas is used to create mental images, including those involved in facial recognition, decision-making, working and long-term memory, attention and introspection. This network can form in many different ways, which could explain why people have a variety of different inner experiences. Visualization also uses many, though not all, of the same mechanisms as visual perception.

We could soon know more about what's happening in the brains of people with aphantasia. Zeman recently concluded a study involving people with high, low and average visual imagery that used neuropsychological tests and brain imaging.

* * *

Not everyone with aphantasia perceives the world in exactly the same way. Some people experience involuntary mental images — as flashes when someone is talking to them, when they are falling asleep or in dreams — they just can't conjure them up. And some people with aphantasia lack additional aspects of inner experience, while others have a stronger mind's ear or emotional memories to compensate.

Blake Ross, the former director of product at Facebook, and co-founder of Firefox, realized he has aphantasia after learning about the patient who lost his mind's eye.

Ross reported having no sensory experience in his mind at all in a lengthy Facebook post that went viral, unbeknownst to me, in 2016.

"Thinking about a tarantula doesn't give me goosebumps. I can't 'recall' the taste of pizza, the feel of velcro, or the smell of Ghirardelli Square," he wrote. "I can't read this in Morgan Freeman's voice, nor can I 'hear' the theme song to Star Wars in any sort of 'mind's ear.'"

I can't recall a taste or smell, either — at least not in any meaningful way — although I can viscerally remember how I felt about said smell or taste. Emotions play a large part in my memories.

My imagination also relies heavily on my inner voice — narrating and chatting away. And I have a mind's ear that can think in my accent or a British one, if I so choose. But only as I would imitate it. I can't recall exactly my mother's voice, as some other people can. My mind's ear can also play music only if I sing the song and hum the instrumentals, much the same way as if I was trying to recreate it with my vocal cords. Other people report such a powerful mind's ear that it's more akin to pressing play — they can hear the lyrics, the background track and even percussion all at the same time.

Just as aphantasia and hyperphantasia are two extremes, it seems that all forms of inner experience exist on a spectrum.

Most days I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything. In fact, there are some situations where my condition is an obvious advantage. I am free from reliving fleeting looks of disdain, or from being haunted by a graphic image that I might encounter in my line of work.

But I do wonder if I would have a better memory if I could visualize, if I might remember more of my childhood. And I do wish I had the power to picture my family members' faces.

Then again, I'm already so distractible, so prone to daydream (without images!), that perhaps I would have failed at life if I had been granted this gift.

You might not think of your mind's eye as a gift, but a given — a shared human experience, and a basic way that people process the world. However, it turns out even our thoughts can't be taken for granted.

• Email: adonnelly@postmedia.com Twitter: AileenDonnelly


Source: https://nationalpost.com/news/world/aphantasia

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